11 Spinal Warning Signs

11 Spinal Warning Signs

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11 Spinal Warning Signs

There are often signs that can alert you when something is not functioning properly in the body. Some are more commonly known than others.

Did you know that only 10% of your nerves perceive pain? Most people DO NOT recognize that they have a problem until it creates pain! Although pain is an indicator for spinal problems and bodily dysfunction, it it often a last resort, your body’s final push for help.

The overwhelming majority of patients that I see have had some underlying issue that preceded the painful event. Here are some other not so commonly heard body signs that indicate spinal misalignment. Look for these on family members, friends, and co-workers.

1. Rounded, slumped or hunchback posture.

2. One pant leg drags the ground or shoes wear unevenly.

3. Shoulders not level with the floor.

4. Restricted or reduced ranges of motion like looking over your shoulder when driving.

5. Asymmetrical muscle development.

6. Chronic muscle tightness.

7. Ringing in the ears.

8. Headaches. Migraines, tension, and plenty of others.

9. Numbness or tingling. This could be down the arms or legs.

10. Muscle weakness or wasting.

11. Constant feeling of having to “crack” your own neck or back.

Further assessment of these signs is vital in preventing future complications! Your chiropractor is trained to be able to look deeper into these health concerns to get to the root of the problem.

Yours in health,

Dr. Glenn Ezell

About the author:

As a young man, Dr. Ezell took great interest in discovering the human body’s natural ability to heal itself. His fascination led him to further his studies at Southern Illinois University of Ewardsville and Logan College of Chiropractic. His studies and clinical training have led him to create positive changes in the lives of many people. Dr. Ezell enjoys an active lifestyle consisting weight lifting, running, kayaking, and many other outdoor activities. He gets adjusted at least 2 times a week to maintain an optimal state of wellness. He is very active in the St. Charles community and is available for health talks, screenings and presentations at no charge.

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