Best Exercises For Your Spine

Best Exercises For Your Spine

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Best Exercises For Your Spine

There are a specific set of exercises that can be extremely beneficial to your spinal health. Used regularly they can help to increase mobility, decrease pain and tightness, and improve posture. All should be performed at least daily, some multiple times during the day.

  1. Bruegger’s Posture: For improvements to posture in the upper back and neck. Helps to decrease tension in the middle back. Sit or stand with your palms facing in front of you. Bring your shoulders down and pinch your lower shoulder blades together while bringing your neck back for a 10 second squeeze. Repeat 3 times for a set.

bruggers posture









2. Cat/Camel: Helps mobilize lower back and mid-lower back areas. Start on your hands and knees, making sure that your knees area in line with the hips and the hands are in line with the shoulders. Breathe out as you create a dip in the lower back moving your belly button straight down towards the floor. Your butt will come up in the air. Do not bend your elbows to assist. hold this position for about 3 seconds and breathe in taking your back in the opposite direction (cat) rounding at the top and tightening your abdominals to get there. Hold for 3 seconds, breathe out as you sink back into the camel position. One up and one down is one repetition. Perform 3-5 repetitions for a set.

cat camel









3. Neck Stretches: Loosens up tight musculature surrounding the upper shoulders and neck. Hold one arm behind you and even grab hold of the bottom of a chair or similar to get a better stretch. Take the opposite hand and pull your head, rotating your chin towards the same side armpit that the hand is back, hold for 5 seconds and release. Now pull your head so that your chin points towards the opposite armpit, hold for 5 seconds and release. Repeat this 2 more times for the right side of the neck and then switch to stretch the left side of the neck. Make sure that you are not feeling this stretch directly on the side of your neck or you area bringing your ear down too close to your shoulder, you need to bring the chin to the chest more.

neck stretches







Good luck! Should you have questions, or need to have your spine evaluated, call the office to schedule an appointment. 636.486.7044.

Yours in health,

Dr. Glenn Ezell

About the author:

As a young man, Dr. Ezell took great interest in discovering the human body’s natural ability to heal itself. His fascination led him to further his studies at Southern Illinois University of Ewardsville and Logan College of Chiropractic. His studies and clinical training have led him to create positive changes in the lives of many people. Dr. Ezell enjoys an active lifestyle consisting weight lifting, running, kayaking, and many other outdoor activities. He gets adjusted at least 2 times a week to maintain an optimal state of wellness. He is very active in the St. Charles community and is available for health talks, screenings and presentations at no charge.

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