• 10 Best COVID-19 Work from Home Posture and Productivity Tips
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    Many of you have had to make drastic changes to your work environment and schedule due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on businesses. If you are fortunate enough to still be able to work from home, you may be faced with even more difficult challenges. Makeshift offices and easy access to distractions can pose problems with posture and productivity. Today, I have the solution. The 10 best COVID-19 work from home posture and productivity tips. There are 5 posture and 5 productivity.


    • Resist the temptation to work from your bed or on the couch. These locations offer little to no back support and will compromise healthy spinal function.

    • Find a chair that has back support. A bar stool at the kitchen counter is an example of a poor choice. If you don’t have a desk chair, try a dining room chair. A rolled up towel or small pillow behind the lower back will help with creating more lumbar support. If you are having a hard time finding something appropriate here, maybe try creating a standing workstation from a counter.

    • Use boxes, books, or storage containers to get your computer monitor to be at eye level. This will reduce the amount of strain on your neck, upper back, and shoulders. Avoid using your laptop on your lap, go figure right? They should rename it.

    • With the new addition of your monitor stand, if you are working from a laptop computer, you will need a wireless keyboard and mouse to prevent reaching and over-elevating your arms and shoulders.


    • Start your day like you normally do. Wake up at the same time. Start work at the same time. Make your coffee, do your workout. Keep it consistent.

    • Dress up! Brush your teeth! This determines your mindset, as well as number 1. Working from your pajamas might sound comfortable but your mind isn’t used to it and it can actually throw you off.

    • Have a defined schedule. Plan your breaks and set a reminder for them. Take a whole 30 minutes for lunch (or however long it usually is). Finish at a certain time and don’t be tempted to come back to it until you start working again!

    • Protect your workspace. Get the lighting right, shut the door, bring what you will need and get it close to you. Talk to your family members about your work time hours and have them commit to respecting them.

    • Limit distractions. Try using a sound machine, looping ambient noise or pleasant sounds on a speaker. Alexa and Google assistant both have many skills that can play your favorite with a simple request. Just one bark from your neighbors dogs can break your train of thought and set you back 5-10 minutes. Another good habit is to pick a workspace that has no TV in it so that there is no temptation to binge Ozark on Netflix while working.

    These are the 10 best COVID-19 work from home posture and productivity tips to help keep you pain free and productive!

    Learn how to protect yourself from the Corona Virus with the CDC recommendations here –>https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html

    If you find yourself needing advice from a chiropractor during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Ezell is available in the office and via telehealth.

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Text Neck
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    You may have heard about a growing epidemic occurring among today’s youth and even into the adult population called “text neck”. It’s caused largely in part due to the desire and necessity to use smartphones, tablets, and computers in this day and age. I refer to it as forward head posture in my practice.X-Ray Call it what you will, but it’s leading to serious health issues.

    When you look at the neck from the side position, it should form a C-shaped curvature. This is sometimes hard to notice without visualizing it on an x-ray. This curve is known as a “lordosis” and is essential in the normal functioning of the neck and the spinal nerves that exit there. Keeping the head and neck in a downward position for an extended period of time can have serious consequences.

    Most commonly these consequences will include neck and upper back pain, tightness, stiffness, numbness, tingling, headaches, and migraines. If text neck is left untreated, this can lead to irreversible damage. This includes premature spinal degeneration (arthritis), weakening of the disc, and even nerve damage.

    Research shows that each inch that your head moves forward from the center of your shoulders will double the weight of what your head normally weighs. That creates a tremendous amount of tension, pressure, and compression on the neck and upper back.

    The longer this problem persists, the worse the consequences will be. It is nearly impossible to return the neck to a normal position without the aid and advice of a medical professional like a corrective care chiropractor. We have had great success in correcting these issues and restoring proper health in our office. I look forward to helping you and your family achieve your health goals.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Tennis Elbow
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    man with tennis elbow

    Tennis Elbow

    Recently I’ve had quite a few patients come in with elbow pain. The most common presentation so far has been lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow. Pain on the other side of the elbow can be associated with medial epicondylitis or golfer’s elbow.

    You do not have to play tennis to get tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is most commonly a repetitive type stress injury, meaning repeating the same motion or stressful event over and over again. This leads to chronic stress at the elbow.

    That leads me to my next point, this process is very rarely acute! This means that it had to be building up for a long period of time. It is highly likely that this results in no major tearing in the tendons at the elbow. Sure there is micro damage that occurs but that happens in any stress to the body.

    Tennis elbow involves overuse of the arm extensor muscles, usually leading to pain, tightness, and restriction at the outside of the elbow joint. These symptoms can travel up or down the arm as well depending upon the presentation. These patients will often feel pain when shaking hands, picking up items, unscrewing lids, and any contraction of the extensor muscles.

    The most common mechanisms of injury are things like using a mouse for work all day, painting, playing guitar, cooking, racket sports, golf, and crafting. All of these require grasping an object and mostly in a palm down direction, leading to direct overuse of the extensor muscles.

    There are many treatment options available. Medication and injections can temporarily reduce pain leaving the problem to get worse while damaging the tissues. Soon after they wear off, the pain will return and possibly be worse. Surgery should be reserved as a last resort option. As a patient, you need to treat the source of the issue and correct the reasons why it got there in the first place.

    Through chiropractic treatment in my office, I start with examining the biomechanical chain. Everything from the neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist needs to be evaluated. Oftentimes, issues can arise due to weak links somewhere along this chain, causing a compensation at the elbow. I will adjust the elbow and specifically the radial head to restore normal joint motion. Next I focus on treating the tissues directly with Active Release Technique and instrument assisted soft tissue scraping. Once the joints are functioning properly and the tissues are free of adhesions the patient may begin rehabilitating with a special tool.

    If you think you have similar symptoms and would like to see if you qualify for chiropractic care, please call my office and ask for an appointment with me. I look forward to helping you achieve your health goals.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • 8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Chiropractor
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    woman question

    8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Chiropractor

    Your chiropractor needs to be someone who you can trust. Someone who has your best intentions in mind and will give his or her best recommendations to you, at all times. Here are 8 important questions you should ask before choosing a chiropractor as a new patient.

    1. Can the chiropractor help me with my goals?

    What health goals are you searching for? Are you looking for help with a sports injury, pain relief, or wellness care? Does the chiropractor treat babies, adults, or people with medicare? Are you seeking treatment following a motor vehicle accident or a work injury (these will often require different forms of paperwork than normal new patients to the office)? Are you seeking nutritional advice, acupuncture or rehabilitation? Do you prefer a certain type of chiropractic adjustment? Be sure to find a chiropractor that can meet your specific health goals.

    2. Does the doctor have positive and satisfied patient testimonials?

    One of the best ways to check on the chiropractor’s credibility is to read reviews and testimonials from people who have been seen by the doctor before. A great source of reviews are found online. Google Places, Facebook, Yelp and others are among great places to check for.

    3. What types of examinations does the doctor take?

    Granted that all chiropractors are required to examine a patient before initiating any type of treatment, some are better than others. Depending on what type of problem that you have also dictates where the direction of the examination should go. So where I am going with this? You want your doctor be very specific in deciphering your complaint and determining the cause of the problem. Some questions include: Does the doctor take x-rays? Does the doctor have enough time to discuss and examine all of your complaints? Does he utilize any other instruments to make his recommendations?

    4. Does the doctor network with other doctors of specialty?

    While chiropractic treatment is beneficial to most people, some require treatment from other providers. This is usually done collaboratively to reach a common goal. Your chiropractor should not be afraid to send you to someone who can more appropriately handle your problem, if need be.

    5. How does the chiropractor track my progress?

    Both you and the doctor need to be on the same page regarding how treatments are coming along and what lies ahead. Your chiropractor should be notating how you are feeling each visit by asking you directly and using clinical skills to determine the future care schedule. Some chiropractors do re-exams at a certain point to check for improvements, some will utilize objective findings on x-rays, and some will use tools and instruments. Your chiropractor should be able to gather enough information to add to clinical experience for progress analysis. In the case that you are regressing, your doctor should have a plan to figure out if he needs to change his treatments with you or refer back to question 4 and refer you to someone else who can help.

    6. Is the doctor in good standing with the state boards?

    A quick search online to any chiropractic state board should be able to tell you if the chiropractor has any complaints filed against him.

    7. Does the office have a no (or minimal) wait policy?

    Who likes to go into a doctor’s office, on time, and still have to wait an hour to finally get in to see the doctor? People these days are busy. You have things to do and places to go. Your chiropractor should be on time and respectful of yours.

    8. Does the chiropractor offer preventative solutions/exercises for at home?

    Speeding the healing process is often achieved with home care recommendations. Preventative recommendations present a way to minimize the chances of these problems reoccurring in the future.

    These questions are some of the best questions to ask before choosing a chiropractor. There are also many others. Here in our office we love questions as they are part of the education process!

    Learn more about the types of chiropractic care we provide here→ Types of Care

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Low Back Pain While Sitting? Try This!
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    Low Back Pain While Sitting? Try This!


    • Have you ever had low back pain while sitting in your car, the office, or at home? If so, it could be due to the lack of support for your normal lumbar curvature (lumbar lordosis).
    • Having too much, or too little curve in your lower back can cause pain and problems.
    • When seated, without proper posture, the low back tends to slouch and flex (bend forward) putting abnormal strain on the joints, ligaments, and muscles of the lower back.
    • For most people who work at a desk, this often happens, no matter how great of posture you have, your back will get fatigued after hours of being seated.
    • Another common place this occurs is at home on the couch or in a chair which often times offers little to no support for the back.

    The Solution:

    • A lumbar support that is firm enough to cradle your back and keep it in a more neutral position.
    • In a quick fix, or a budget situation, used a rolled up towel and place it in the small of your lower back.
    • For a more permanent and lasting solution, purchase a lumbar support to affix to your chairs or car seat.

    • Lumbar supports are effective in combination with chiropractic care for the treatment and solution of low back pain and discomfort.
    • To broaden and fine tune your desk posture, look back to this post → “Reduce Neck And Back Pain At Your Desk”


    As always, feel free to share this post if you found it helpful and reach out to me if you have questions or would like to come in for an examination

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • What Happens When You Crack Your Own Spine?
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    Cracking your own spine


    What Happens When You Crack Your Own Spine?


    You’ve seen people do it, maybe you even do it yourself. Cracking your own spine. Grandmothers everywhere will tell you that it gives you arthritis. Some of you are what we would call, “addicted to crack”. Bending yourself over the back of a chair or twisting your own neck. All of these may help you feel better, but ask the majority of people who do this and they will tell you that it feels like it needs to “pop” again within a short period of time. So what actually happens when you crack your own spine?

    This is likely the case because the joints that are actually making the popping noise are the ones above and below the main restriction, which are what we call “hyper” mobile joints. They are actually moving too much in order to compensate for the restricted joint in between. It may feel good temporarily but will usually not last long.

    You see, there are 24 moving vertebrae in your spine (7 neck, 12 mid back, 5 low back). You can consider a group of 2 or more of these vertebrae to be a “motion segment”. Cracking your own spine helps the “motion segment” move a bit more, but the original restriction likely will remain, causing relapse of symptoms and allowing future problems to occur.

    The other reason for this short term relief is that we are not able to impart the right forces at the right angles on ourselves to fully clear the joints of the restriction, you might get a pop releasing some of the gas in the joint but it did not fully move.
    Cracking your own spine

    Are there any potential risks involved with cracking your own spine?


    Yes there are. Let’s start with the obvious being that chiropractors have studied and practiced for years the art, science, and philosophy of the spinal adjustment and is at the heart of what most of us do, making us the experts in this field. Knowing when, how, where, and why to adjust is extremely important.

    Given years and years of cracking your own spine, there is a potential to create ligamentous instability which would allow for your spine to be susceptible to a multitude of more serious injuries and permanent damage.

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

    Click Here For Our New Patient Special

    ↓Share this post with your favorite spine cracker and see what they think!↓

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  • Put Your Best Foot Forward
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    Put Your Best Foot Forward


    Believe it or not but your feet play a vital role in how your entire body functions, from the ground all the way up! A study was performed and the results showed that 77% of those examined had moderate to severe flatness of their feet! That means that roughly less than a quarter of the population has a proper arch to the foot!

    Let’s discuss the arches of the foot. (YES! There are THREE!) All three arches combine to form the “plantar vault“.

    1. Medial longitudinal arch (inner)
    2. Lateral longitudinal arch (outer)
    3. Transverse metatarsal arch

    Most people have heard of “pronation“, so what is it? Over pronation happens when the arches of the feet become flattened out and the foot rolls inward.

    Here are the 5 RED FLAGS of over pronation:

    1. Foot flare (toe out)
    2. Internal knee rotation (the knee doesn’t line up straight over the foot, it turns inward)
    3. Bowed achilles tendon
    4. Flat foot (look for collapse of fabric along the inner portion of a shoe)
    5. Uneven shoe wear

    What types of foot problems can this create?

    1. Plantar fascitis
    2. Bunions/hammer toes
    3. Tendonitis
    4. Heel spurs
    5. Arthritis

    Not only are these detrimental for your foot health, it can also affect the rest of your body! This can lead to ankle, knee, hip, pelvic, and spinal issues.












    How can a chiropractor help you with these problems?

    • Here in our office, we first start by using a state of the art foot scanner to evaluate your feet. It generates a number of different types of data for the doctor to review.
    • We then continue by doing a comprehensive foot exam and spinal exam to check for further issues.
    • Finally, the doctor may recommend x-rays to evaluate further how orthotics can best help your feet and the rest of your body. 

    The type of orthotic prescribed depends on several factors including:

    • age
    • type of activity/work performed
    • level of intensity performed
    • type of shoe

    Special considerations are made for people who wear dress shoes and tight fitting flats. These people often get 1/2 or 3/4 length orthotics to fit properly. We have a special set for women’s heels up to 2 inches. We also have the ability to create orthotic flip flops.

    If you’d like to get checked, all you need to do is call to set up an examination. Our foot scanner is used complimentary to your first visit at no extra charge.



    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Reduce Neck And Back Pain At Your Desk
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    Reduce Neck and Back Pain At Your Desk

    • Working as a chiropractor for years, I have found that there are several specific things that tend to cause pain in most individuals. One of the most common is poor desk and workstation ergonomics. In this post I will share with you some of the best ways to reduce neck and back pain at your desk.


    • Your workstation should be set up in a way that is easiest on your body, particularly, your spine. The average american sits for an average of 13 hours a day. That’s a whopping 54% of your day! You’re going to want to make sure that you are sitting and working in the best way possible, otherwise you could end up with chronic neck and back complaints stemming from postural distortions, arthritis, and muscle imbalances.

    The best tips to reduce neck and back pain at your desk:

    1. Feet flat on the floor. Stay away from propping your legs up on a stool or chair as this will cause strain on your lower back. Crossing your legs will twist the pelvis.
    2. Thighs 90 degrees to floor or slightly downward. To change this, you will have to use the elevation function on the chair. For shorter individuals, you may need to use a step stool under your feet.
    3. Rock your pelvis forward to sit up tall. When done properly, you will feel as if you are sitting more on your “butt bones”, which will allow for a natural arch in your lower back.
    4. Shoulders retracted and down. As stress levels rise, the shoulders tend to migrate up, leading to tightness in the neck and back. Prevent rounding by gently holding shoulder blades together.
    5. Forearms at 90 degrees to body. Modified by positioning keyboard and mouse at the appropriate level. Too high and this will cause the shoulders to rise, leading to number 4.
    6. Monitor at exactly eye level, straight ahead. The slightest tilt of your neck in a downward position will cause pain in the neck. Your chin should be parallel to the floor. Use books or a stand to prop it up. Do not have the head in a turned position for a long period of time.
    7. Use a lumbar support if your back gets fatigued. If your find your back getting worn out from sitting up, purchase a lumbar support that will aid in keeping the natural arch in your back.


    Other important factors include taking your wallet out of your back pocket and taking frequent breaks to stretch and get up to move around.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Keeping the Stress Off of Baby’s Spine
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    Pediatric Chiropractic St. Charles

    Pediatric chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Ezell, discusses how essential it is to allow your child to develop the correct way, and to identify the ways that can interrupt that process.


    First of all, lets identify some of the most common stresses that baby will encounter:

    1. An immense amount of pulling and twisting occurs in the neck during the birthing process.

    2. Research shows that 50% of babies will encounter a fall from a high place (changing table, bed..etc).

    3. Remaining in a car seat for extended periods of time creates chronic stress on baby’s spine.

    4. Parents encouraging baby to be weight-bearing too early.

    5. Children will fall approximately 1,500 times within the first 2 years of life.


    These are a few among the many different traumas that your baby will encounter. They all will affect baby’s nervous system negatively unless corrected. Let’s discuss.

    The birthing process is often the source of baby’s first trauma.

    Anytime baby has a fall, this has the tendency to cause shifting of the pelvis or spinal vertebrae.

    Most parents don’t realize that their baby is in the car seat for longer than they should be. The reasons why are because the seats that we have now are very versatile. They no longer just stay in the car, we can clip them out and take them everywhere for convenience. Often times we are very busy and don’t feel like we have the time to take them out and when we do, they might be sleeping and do not want to wake them. Baby is in a constant flexed position and by being this way, the secondary curvatures of the spine are not able to develop. Babies need tummy time to develop proper cervical and lumbar curvatures.

    Encouraging baby to become weight bearing too early is another big concern. Sitting baby up, holding them in a standing position, or putting them in an entertainment type chair puts a tremendous amount of stress on the spine, discs, and ligaments. These are motor developmental milestones and should not be pushed. Every child develops somewhat differently, and should be let to reach those milestones on their own.


    So how do you check your baby for spinal problems? The key is to look for symmetry.

    Does baby nurse well on both sides? Or does baby have trouble turning head to one side?

    Does baby have a head tilt to one side?

    Does one leg draw up shorter?

    Are both feet positioned at the same angle or does one turn in, or out dramatically?

    If you squeeze baby’s buttock cheeks together, does the crease go straight up the spine or does it curve?


    These are cues that any parent can check for. If you notice any of these signs, or need help in identifying them, seek a qualified chiropractor to evaluate as necessary. Call our office and ask to see Dr. Ezell if you have any questions. 636-916-0660.

    Have a fantastic week my friends!

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell



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  • St. Charles Car Accident Chiropractor
    St. Charles Car Accident Chiropractor
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    Car Accident ChiropractorCar accidents bring about many hassles and complications. Your health should be the number one priority following an accident.

    Most people would like to believe that if you are not in pain, there is not a problem. Although that would be ideal, this is a common misconception especially when looking at cases that deal with car accidents.

    Most commonly, pain will follow an accident in a matter of hours to days, sometimes even months. It is crucial to treat these injuries immediately, even if there is no pain, otherwise you can be left with irreversible damage such as early degenerative disease (arthritis). The sooner you start care, the less chance you have in developing long term problems.

    Injuries and symptoms that are commonly seen with car accidents include disc herniations, sprain/strains, headaches, migraines, neck pain, and back pain. The most common injury is called whiplash. The rapid acceleration or deceleration leaves the neck extremely vulnerable to a violent jerking motion.

    A comment that I hear all to frequently is “It was just a fender bender, I didn’t get injured”. Research shows that accidents as slow as 5-10 miles per hour are enough to cause spinal damage. Imagine what happens at higher speeds!

    The best personal injury attorneys will tell you that they always recommend that victims of car accidents should immediately seek a medical evaluation.

    You are going to need a doctor who specializes in the treatment of whiplash  and car accident injuries. A hospital visit will typically consist of an examination for any life threatening conditions (broken bones, lacerations..etc) and then a release with pain medications. It’s important to know that pills DO NOT correct the damage that occurs to the spine and soft tissues following the accident!

    At Ezell Chiropractic in St. Charles, we take your case seriously. We will take x-rays on site and provide you with the most comprehensive and up to date examination that is available today.

    We work closely with attorneys and car insurance companies, paying close attention to every detail, making sure that the correct documentation is in place to ensure that you receive the settlement you deserve. This process is most commonly covered by car insurance and leaves the patient with no out of pocket expenses for the treatment.

     If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, mention this post for a free consultation with Dr. Ezell. 636-486-7044

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Ezell

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