Change Your Body; Change Your Attitude

Change Your Body; Change Your Attitude

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Image result for family on beach jumpingIf there is a time that you’re feeling a little blue and you can’t seem to snap out of it; check your posture. Are you sitting hunched over with your head down, which also leads to headaches and sore neck muscles? If you are, you can help change your mood by simply changing your physical stance.

The interesting concept about the mind/body connection is that is goes both ways. Our mind controls our body, and our body controls our mind. This philosophy is known as embodied cognition. Standing tall for just two minutes with your shoulders rolled back and your chin tilted upward along with other power poses can increase your testosterone levels, which is the hormone attributed with dominance, and decrease your cortisol hormone levels, which is the hormone attributed to stress.

Power poses are postures that open up your body. Such as sitting with your arm on the chair next to you or standing with your feet apart or with your hands on your hips. Anything that opens up your body sends a positive message to your brain.

According to psychology professor, Richard Petty, from Ohio State University, the brain has an area that reflects confidence. He states that a shift in posture can trigger this area and you’ll begin feeling more positive and confident. The function of your body posture tells your brain that you are powerful, which in turn, affects your attitude. Do you smile when you’re happy, or do you smile to feel happy?

The truly exciting aspect about creating positive moods and confidence with the help of your posture is that you can do it ‘on demand’ anytime you need it. It doesn’t cost anything, and you can do it anywhere. You’ll also find that the more you practice being happy and confident, the more happy and confident you’ll naturally become. Fake it until you become it.

Michele Burghardt
Consulting Hypnotherapist
Best Hypnosis STL

About the author:

As a young man, Dr. Ezell took great interest in discovering the human body’s natural ability to heal itself. His fascination led him to further his studies at Southern Illinois University of Ewardsville and Logan College of Chiropractic. His studies and clinical training have led him to create positive changes in the lives of many people. Dr. Ezell enjoys an active lifestyle consisting weight lifting, running, kayaking, and many other outdoor activities. He gets adjusted at least 2 times a week to maintain an optimal state of wellness. He is very active in the St. Charles community and is available for health talks, screenings and presentations at no charge.

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