Chiropractic Blog

  • 5 Health Tips to Jump Start the New Year
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    5 Health Tips to Jump Start the New Year

     1. Stop drinking soda and juice products. These are riddled with sugar and chemicals. In my opinion this is the best place to start when considering a diet change because of the simplicity and positive outcomes. Like any change, start slow, replacing 1-2 of these types of beverages daily with water. If you’re having trouble, try squeezing a lemon in with your water. Within a month you can be completely independent of these drinks.

    2. Do your workout in the morning. By exercising in the morning, you set the tone for your day, giving yourself a mental boost and also revving your metabolism.

    3. Develop better sleeping patterns. Sleeping on your back is the best position, followed by on your side which should only be done with a pillow between your knees. Stomach sleepers beware, this is the worst position to sleep in and you are compromising your spine, change it immediately. Try to keep consistent sleep times and use sleep cycle techniques for proper waking. Sleep cycles are based upon our normal rhythm and one of the reasons we feel groggy when waking is because we were awoken from deep sleep. Apps like Sleep Cycle in the Apple App Store track your phases of sleep using the accelerometer in your phone and will wake you at your lightest sleep, leaving you refreshed!

    4. Be concious of improper breathing. If you find yourself constantly in  stress, it’s likely that when you breathe you are using your upper back and shoulder muscles to inspire rather than your diaphragm. This faulty pattern can result in a variety of health issues, furthering along toxic stress. A simple test is to put one hand on your belly and one hand on your upper chest, below the neck. Take a deep breath in. If you find that the hand on your upper chest moves first, this would be considered an improper pattern.

    5. Optimize your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is one of the major players in a proper functioning immune system. This is actually one of the main reasons why many people get sick during the wintertime. The ideal way to get vitamin D is by obtaining appropriate levels of sun exposure. You don’t have to worry about toxicity this way because the body has the ability to self regulate in this pathway and only take what it needs. During the winter, we are less likely to be outside when it’s cold and we become deficient in vitamin D. Supplementation is recommended throughout this time.

    Make this your best year yet!

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • Whiplash Treatment St. Charles, 63303
    No Comments on Whiplash Treatment St. Charles, 63303


    What is whiplash?

    Whiplash is an injury that occurs to the neck, caused by a severe jerk to the head, typically following a motor vehicle accident. Whiplash can also result from a sporting related incident, physical abuse, or other type of trauma, such as a slip or fall.

    What is the mechanism of injury?

    Whiplash associated disorders are caused mostly because of the hyper-extension and hyper-flexion that occurs. When the spine is subjected to this extreme force, it can create tears, sprains, strains, and significant damage to other structures in the neck. In addition, it can cause vertebral shifting which can lead to many ill effects, if not corrected in the early stages.

    What are the symptoms of whiplash?

    Symptoms of whiplash will typically have a delayed effect. Symptoms will typically arise hours to days following the accident that progressively get worse. Symptoms include:

    • Pain in any portion of the neck
    • Stiffness
    • Tight muscles/muscle spasms
    • Decreased range of motion
    • Headaches that can radiate to the temples or forehead
    • Shoulder pain and tightness
    • Dizziness
    • Arm pain
    • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

    How is whiplash diagnosed?

    Whiplash is diagnosed by skilled and trained physicians. Doctors of chiropractic are specialists in detecting the complexities associated with whiplash. A consultation will be conducted to gather information about the accident. Following the consultation, a complete examination will be conducted. Tests will be utilized to evaluate the integrity of the spine and surrounding structures. X-Rays are typically taken to further investigate the damage occurred.

    How is whiplash treated?

    Whiplash is typically treated by using manual treatment methods to restore joint movement, muscle balance, vertebral position, and nerve function. Adjustments, traction, decompression, stretching, and soft tissue manipulation are among the many ways to accomplish this.

    Among your first steps following a car accident should be scheduling a visit to your chiropractor. Treatment is usually covered by car insurance whether you are at fault or not. If you are not at fault, it will also be a good idea to get an attorney involved to help navigate your case.

    Call today and don’t wait to schedule and appointment with Dr. Ezell. Mention this post and recieve a free consultation.


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  • CDL Physical Exams St. Charles, MO
    1 Comment on CDL Physical Exams St. Charles, MO

    CDL/DOT Physical Exams

    As of May 21, 2014 anyone who will recertify or get a new certification for a CDL will have to be examined by a certified medical examiner. Certified medical examiners require specialized training, which means that unlike before, not any doctor can certify you for licensure.

    The new testing is more in depth and can be time consuming for inexperienced examiners. Testing includes an eye exam, hearing test, blood pressure analysis, and urinalysis(not for drug screen). I know that time and finances are at the top of your concerns when it comes time for certification.

    Testing here in our office has never taken over a half hour and usually takes 15-20 minutes in normal situations. We have the ability to schedule same day appointments as well when possible. For single exams, your investment is just $80. Discounts can be given for groups and company relationships.

    Appointments can be made by calling our office at 636.486.7044. For large groups, on site visits, and company relations please e-mail me directly at

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Keeping the Stress Off of Baby’s Spine
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    Pediatric Chiropractic St. Charles

    Pediatric chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Ezell, discusses how essential it is to allow your child to develop the correct way, and to identify the ways that can interrupt that process.


    First of all, lets identify some of the most common stresses that baby will encounter:

    1. An immense amount of pulling and twisting occurs in the neck during the birthing process.

    2. Research shows that 50% of babies will encounter a fall from a high place (changing table, bed..etc).

    3. Remaining in a car seat for extended periods of time creates chronic stress on baby’s spine.

    4. Parents encouraging baby to be weight-bearing too early.

    5. Children will fall approximately 1,500 times within the first 2 years of life.


    These are a few among the many different traumas that your baby will encounter. They all will affect baby’s nervous system negatively unless corrected. Let’s discuss.

    The birthing process is often the source of baby’s first trauma.

    Anytime baby has a fall, this has the tendency to cause shifting of the pelvis or spinal vertebrae.

    Most parents don’t realize that their baby is in the car seat for longer than they should be. The reasons why are because the seats that we have now are very versatile. They no longer just stay in the car, we can clip them out and take them everywhere for convenience. Often times we are very busy and don’t feel like we have the time to take them out and when we do, they might be sleeping and do not want to wake them. Baby is in a constant flexed position and by being this way, the secondary curvatures of the spine are not able to develop. Babies need tummy time to develop proper cervical and lumbar curvatures.

    Encouraging baby to become weight bearing too early is another big concern. Sitting baby up, holding them in a standing position, or putting them in an entertainment type chair puts a tremendous amount of stress on the spine, discs, and ligaments. These are motor developmental milestones and should not be pushed. Every child develops somewhat differently, and should be let to reach those milestones on their own.


    So how do you check your baby for spinal problems? The key is to look for symmetry.

    Does baby nurse well on both sides? Or does baby have trouble turning head to one side?

    Does baby have a head tilt to one side?

    Does one leg draw up shorter?

    Are both feet positioned at the same angle or does one turn in, or out dramatically?

    If you squeeze baby’s buttock cheeks together, does the crease go straight up the spine or does it curve?


    These are cues that any parent can check for. If you notice any of these signs, or need help in identifying them, seek a qualified chiropractor to evaluate as necessary. Call our office and ask to see Dr. Ezell if you have any questions. 636-916-0660.

    Have a fantastic week my friends!

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell



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  • Six ingredients to avoid
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    1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)


    -Insulin resistance

    -Increased belly fat

    -Heart disease

    2. Trans Fats– Usually labeled as “shortening”, “partially hydrogenated”, “hydrogenated”, “mono” or “diglycerides”:

    -Known carcinogen

    3. Artificial Flavors


    -Sinus problems

    4. Artificial Colors

    -Hyperactivity in children

    -ADD, ADHD

    5. Artificial Sweeteners

    -Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet): negatively affects the nervous system

    -Sucralose (Splenda)

    -Saccharin (Sweet N Low): suspected carcinogen

    6. Preservatives

    -Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): Stimulates taste buds causing us to eat more





    -Sodium Benzoate


    If you ever have any questions about your health, contact me directly at

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • 5 Things to Stop Eating and Drinking Right Now
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    1. Soda/ Soft Drinks

    -One 12 ounce can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar
    -One 20 ounce bottle of Mt. Dew has 77 grams of sugar
    -Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which leads to many chronic illnesses
    -Many sodas also contain high fructose corn syrup, a cheap, highly processed sweetener

    2. White Bread

    -Has minimal nutritional value
    -Loaded with sugar
    -The flour is typically bleached with benzoyl peroxide or chlorine gas

    3. Farm Raised Fish

    -They are fed a highly unnatural diet
    -Given loads of antibiotics
    -Contain about 50% less omega 3s than wild caught

    4. Margarine

    -Made mostly of refined vegetable oil and water
    -This is NOT butter!

    5. Conventional Frozen Meals

    -Loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils, and other artificial ingredients
    -Most have been “pre cooked”, rendering the nutritional content to minimal levels

    Stay healthy,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • St. Charles Car Accident Chiropractor
    St. Charles Car Accident Chiropractor
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    Car Accident ChiropractorCar accidents bring about many hassles and complications. Your health should be the number one priority following an accident.

    Most people would like to believe that if you are not in pain, there is not a problem. Although that would be ideal, this is a common misconception especially when looking at cases that deal with car accidents.

    Most commonly, pain will follow an accident in a matter of hours to days, sometimes even months. It is crucial to treat these injuries immediately, even if there is no pain, otherwise you can be left with irreversible damage such as early degenerative disease (arthritis). The sooner you start care, the less chance you have in developing long term problems.

    Injuries and symptoms that are commonly seen with car accidents include disc herniations, sprain/strains, headaches, migraines, neck pain, and back pain. The most common injury is called whiplash. The rapid acceleration or deceleration leaves the neck extremely vulnerable to a violent jerking motion.

    A comment that I hear all to frequently is “It was just a fender bender, I didn’t get injured”. Research shows that accidents as slow as 5-10 miles per hour are enough to cause spinal damage. Imagine what happens at higher speeds!

    The best personal injury attorneys will tell you that they always recommend that victims of car accidents should immediately seek a medical evaluation.

    You are going to need a doctor who specializes in the treatment of whiplash  and car accident injuries. A hospital visit will typically consist of an examination for any life threatening conditions (broken bones, lacerations..etc) and then a release with pain medications. It’s important to know that pills DO NOT correct the damage that occurs to the spine and soft tissues following the accident!

    At Ezell Chiropractic in St. Charles, we take your case seriously. We will take x-rays on site and provide you with the most comprehensive and up to date examination that is available today.

    We work closely with attorneys and car insurance companies, paying close attention to every detail, making sure that the correct documentation is in place to ensure that you receive the settlement you deserve. This process is most commonly covered by car insurance and leaves the patient with no out of pocket expenses for the treatment.

     If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, mention this post for a free consultation with Dr. Ezell. 636-486-7044

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • Which protein supplement (and amount) is right for you?
    Which protein supplement (and amount) is right for you?
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    All proteins are not created equally!

    If you’re like most people, you know that protein is something that you need to have in your diet to survive. What you’ve wondered is if you should take supplements and if so, which ones to take. You’ve probably also wondered how much to take. Well, today you have the opportunity to learn all about it!

    Lets start by explaining what protein is and how it works. Protein is one of the three dietary macronutrients (big nutrients) that our body needs to function. The other two are fats and carbohydrates. These nutrients all work together to keep you on top of your game. In an analogy, these things work like a construction process. Proteins act like the bricks and walls while carbohydrates do the work by cementing and putting everything together and the fats are the managers who are overlooking the whole process, making sure that everything is running smoothly.

    Proteins provide the body with the building blocks to make amino acids which are used for building new muscle tissue. Muscles simply would not exist without it.

    Benefits of protein include:

    1. Muscle growth
    2. Better recovery (repair)
    3. Optimal immune response
    4. Healthy appetite

    The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is currently at an average of 50g per day. Most would say that this is surprisingly low, though  you have to consider that this is based on the average American. This person is mostly sedentary.

    “HOW MUCH DO I NEED”? Great question. If you are sedentary to mildly active and trying to lose body fat for example, I would recommend 1-1.5g per kg of body weight daily. 1kg equals about 2.2lbs. In a 150lb person, the equation looks like this 150/2.2=68, 68×1.5=102g. So a person who weighs 150lbs would need about 68-102 grams of protein daily to fit their needs.

    If you are a seasoned athlete, someone who is trying to bulk up, get stronger or just really change your body composition, you should shoot for 2g per kg of body weight. For our 150lb person here, he should consume about 136g protein daily.

    Now lets say you are overweight, these recommendations will change (overweight being 20% over body fat percentage in males and 30% over body fat percentage in females). Just take as much protein as your goal weight.

    “WHAT KIND OF PROTEIN DO I NEED”? Another great question. Protein supplements are often made from different sources have different ingredients and do different things.

    Whey protein is one of the most popular of protein supplements available and also one of the best.

    There are three main types of whey; concentrate, isolate, and hydrolyzedConcentrate simply means that there are more additives and a lesser amount of raw protein. Isolatemeans that the protein has been isolated and filtered for a more pure product. Hydrolyzed protein is made to be absorbed faster.

    Casein is a slow digesting protein source and is often taken by individuals before bed.

    Egg protein is available to people who enjoy a lactose-free source of protein.

    Soy protein is a vegetarian protein source.

    Protein is vital for living optimally. Proteins from your raw diet should be taken into consideration and are not to be replaced by supplements.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • Top Ten Reasons I Hear About Why People Don’t Go To the Chiropractor
    No Comments on Top Ten Reasons I Hear About Why People Don’t Go To the Chiropractor
    1. I don’t have enough money (Budgeting is key-after all, if your lose your health, how will you make money?)
    2. I don’t believe in it (It’s a science, not a religion)
    3. I’m not in pain (You don’t have to be in pain for there to be a problem- PREVENTION)
    4. I don’t want to go forever (Ultimately it is YOU that makes your healthcare decisions- right?)
    5. You can break my neck (It’s VERY hard to break a neck- this isn’t your typical Hollywood neck twist)
    6. It will hurt (95% of the time my patients feel BETTER even after their first adjustment)
    7. I’m afraid of the “crack” (It’s normal for this to happen when the joints are freed of restriction- chiropractors can also treat without having the traditional “crack”)
    8. Chiropractors aren’t real doctors (Dentists focus on the mouth, optometrists focus on the eyes, MDs focus on pathology-disease, pharmacists focus on medication,  chiropractors focus on the spine and the nervous system. Every doctor has a specialty. I’m alive and real)
    9. Adjustments cause arthritis (Adjustments actually prevent arthritis from developing or getting worse)
    10. Too young/old (I’ll explain the ends of the spectrum. Think about the birthing process, can you imagine being pulled out by your head? It will most definitely cause stress to the neck. The geriatric population generally have a variety of different problems that would benefit from chiropractic care. It is also much safer than surgery and has less side effects than medicine)
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  • 10 Great (random) Nutrition Facts
    No Comments on 10 Great (random) Nutrition Facts
    1. Not everything that says it’s “organic” is actually organic.

    2. “Natural” does not necessarily make it good for you, nor does it have to be true to be placed on a label.

    3. If you can’t pronounce something on the ingredients list, you shouldn’t be eating it.

    4. Sugar-free usually means that it now has sugar alcohols which in some cases are worse than sugar in the first place.

    5. Fat-free should have nothing to do with your diet. It has no effect on weight loss.

    6. The best oil out there to cook with is coconut oil. Olive oil is good for non-cooking purposes, but the bonds break down when heated and make it less healthy.

    7. High fructose corn syrup is aiding in the obesity epidemic in America.

    8. The longer you cook vegetables, the more nutritional content is lost.

    9. One of the best “super foods” is Kale.

    10. Eating less meals won’t always help with weight loss (and it’s also unhealthy), a healthier alternative would be to eat smaller portions at more times throughout the day.

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