
  • Best Desk Stretches To Keep You Balanced
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    Best Desk Stretches To Keep You Balanced

    Approximately 80% or more of Americans sit at a desk all day at work. This is particularly troublesome. Sitting at a workstation for hours and hours has been known to stiffen joints, tighten muscles, and end up causing pain one way or another. By having proper ergonomics you can minimize the amount of stress on your body, but nonetheless, there is bound to still be some pain or tension that will accumulate. So what are the best desk stretches to keep you balanced? Let’s find out!

    1. Seated Piriformis Stretch

    This stretch is great for people who are experiencing pain or tightness in the glute area. This can be particularly effective for people suffering from sciatica as the sciatic nerve often runs beneath this muscle. To perform, simply cross a leg, put downward pressure on the knee, and lean your trunk forward but making sure to keep your back straight. Hold 10 seconds, perform 3 times.









    2. Neck Stretches

    Two ways to stretch the neck. By turning your chin towards the direction of stretch, it will hit more of the trapezius muscle. By turning the chin away from the direction of stretch, you will target more of the muscles that run into the top of the shoulder blade (levator scapulae). Use the opposite hand to pull on either side. Make sure to point your chin down a bit as well and not to have only ear to shoulder motion. Hold 10 seconds, perform 3 times.


    3. Brugger’s Posture

    Bruggers posture is a great way to reset poor posture that happens at a desk. Simply rotate your palms facing outwards, bring your chest up, drop your shoulders, and squeeze between the lower shoulder blades. This effectively stretches and strengthens the combination of muscles and joints that are required for best posture. Hold 10 seconds repeat 3 times.


    4. Wrist/arm stretches

    This is a great stretch for people who work at work at computers. This can prevent and help with wrist pain, tendonitis (golfers elbow, tennis elbow), carpal tunnel and more. With the arm fully extended, pull the palm towards you, using the other hand. Now turn the hand the other way, and pull it towards you again. The first stretch on the picture shown will treat the outside of the elbow, as well as the wrist. The second will treat the inside of the elbow. Hold for 10 seconds, repeat 3 times.






    By performing these stretches, you will be better balanced and hopefully be able to reduce your pain while at your desk. These are best to be done at least 3 times daily. So 3 sets of 3 and 10 second holds.

    For other posture tips check these out

    If you are still experiencing symptoms or they get worse, it’s time to see the chiropractor to evaluate more specifically what is going on.


    Yours in optimal health and wellness,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • 5 Can’t- Miss Signs That You Are Dairy Sensitive
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    5 Can’t Miss Signs That You Are Dairy Sensitive


    People are becoming more and more aware that their bodies just aren’t able to digest and eliminate certain types of food and food ingredients. It’s not really appropriate to label individuals as allergic or not. There are degrees of intolerance or sensitivity that cover a wide spectrum. Some of the main sensitivities that are affecting people today include: gluten, eggs, soy, nuts, shellfish, some chemicals in food (preservatives, coloring, etc.), and of course DAIRY.

    The two main culprits in most dairy products are lactose and the protein, casein. In the case of lactose intolerance, or lactose sensitivity, those people are lacking an enzyme called lactase which is in charge of breaking down lactose. Casein is a very slow digesting protein and can cause digestive issues and irritation for many people. It is estimated that up to 65% of people have some degree of lactose intolerance.

    So how would you know if you have trouble with dairy products? Check out these 5 can’t-miss signs that you are dairy sensitive:

    1. Skin conditions and irritations
      • Acne
      • Redness
      • Eczema
      • Rashes
      • Hives
    2. Abdominal pain
      • Generalized or local
      • Cramping
    3. Bloating
      • Constantly feeling distended
      • Uncomfortable
    4. Loose stools
      • Diarrhea 
      • Watery
      • Associated with gas
    5. Lowered immune system (especially in kids) 
      • Tends to get sick more often
      • Ear infections

    If you are having these types of symptoms, the best way to find out if they are coming from dairy products or not, is to do an elimination diet. Essentially, removing all dairy products from your diet and monitoring your symptoms for improvement. This should be done for at least 3-4 weeks to let your body re-establish a normal baseline.

    Watch out for hidden dairy. Most of your protein supplements like shakes, bars, and others have whey protein which is a milk derivative. The good news is that there are a lot of dairy free options for your vices that are hard to give up. Ice cream, cheese, milk, whipped cream, all have dairy free alternatives made with either coconut or almond milk.

    Contrary to former beliefs, we don’t need to drink milk. You can get calcium, vitamin D, and other great nutrients from other foods and supplements without all of the detrimental effects of dairy. Milk is a substance produced by mammals to nourish babies until they are able to eat food. So as adults, we certainly don’t need milk and especially not from cows.


    Questions? Comments? Disputes? Shoot me an e-mail or message!

    If you resonate with this article, please share it so your friends know this important information!


    Yours in health.

    Dr. Glenn Ezell



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  • The One Supplement Everyone Should Be Taking
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    The One Supplement Everyone Should Be Taking

    There are millions of supplements that are available today to you. A majority of them depend upon different factors in order to actually help a certain person. There are a few supplements though that could help the greater majority of our population. The one supplement that everyone should be taking is a probiotic!

    What are probiotics? 

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be ingested to promote a healthy lifestyle. Your gut is filled with hundreds of types of microorganisms like yeast, bacteria, and viruses. The good bacteria that lines your intestinal walls is called your “norma flora”. This flora is the gatekeeper of your gut. It supports the uptake of vitamins, nutrients, and other good stuff that your body needs to stay healthy.

    How do you take them?

    As a quality source, mainly you will get the right dosages by either taking a supplement in pill or capsule form, or by eating organic fermented foods. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi all have a lot of probiotics in them. I do recommend finding other sources different from the dairy products. Dairy has been shown to be highly inflammatory and is causing its own set of allergies and sensitivities in our population and has little dietary benefit when compared to other sources of nutrients.

    What can they help with?

    It has been shown that 70% of your immune system is in your gut! You’ve got to protect it! There’s no better way than to support with probiotics. People who take probiotics experience less bloating, IBS, and diarrhea. Positive immune response will follow. Your body relies on the gut to transport nutrients and vitamins to get to the rest of your body. What does that mean? So the vitamins that you just took, the healthy meal you just ate, without a healthy gut flora, none or little actually gets where it needs to go, it just gets excreted.

    What decreases your normal gut bacteria?

    Certain medications can decrease your norma flora. For example, antibiotics will wipe your gut clean of all of that good bacteria. This would be a good time to double up on dosages in order to re-populate. Not eating enough prebiotics for the bacteria to live off of will de-populate. Alcohol use, lack of exercise and sleep also decrease good gut bacteria.

    So now you know the one supplement everyone should be taking. The question is, are you?

    For dosage information, concerns, or general questions about probiotics, reach out to me and I’d be happy to help.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Natural Medicine Cabinet
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    Natural Medicine Cabinet

    Everyone has a medicine cabinet, the question is, how natural is your medicine cabinet? It’s not a bad idea to stock your medicine cabinet with things that you can use to help your everyday sicknesses, ailments, and pains. Even better if you have things on hand that work with your body instead of covering up the symptoms and creating side effects.

    Ailments like the common cold, the flu, allergies, dermatological issues (blemishes, burns, scrapes, rashes), sleeplessness, and many others can be treated naturally before reaching for the over the counter or prescription drugs.


    1. Tea Tree Oil (Maleluca)
      • Clears facial blemishes
      • Antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial
      • Inhale vapors for sinus infections
    2. Elderberry
      • Potent flu fighter
    3. Eucalyptus Oil
      • Clears lungs and sinuses
      • Great or coughing illnesses (expectorant)
    4. Ginger
      • Fights nausea
      • Helps with indigestion
      • Great for morning sickness
    5. CBD Oil
      • Improves sleep
      • Lessens pain
      • Decreases anxiety
    6.  Vitamin D
      • One of the most powerful ways to prevent sickness
      • Adults take at least 5,000 IU daily
      • Taking during the winter months is the most important
    7.  Neti-Pot
      • Flushes blocked sinuses
      • Clears stagnant bacteria
    8.  Apple Cider Vinegar
      • Great for reducing heartburn
      • Good for detoxification
    9.  Magnesium
      • Nature’s muscle relaxer
    10.  Lavender Oil
      • Promotes relaxation
      • Soothes skin irritations (burns, rashes, bumps, etc.)
    11.  Gripe Water
      • Great for babies with upset tummies
      • Helps soothe and promote sleep for infants and children

    What do you have in your natural medicine cabinet? Tell us in the comments below!


    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • What’s That “Hump” At The Top Of My Back?
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    What’s That “Hump” At The Top Of My Back?

    Believe it or not, this is a very common question that I get asked here in the office. The question usually comes from women and they will ask me, “Doc, what’s that hump at the top of my back?” It is likely that they are talking about the area right where the neck meets the upper back. They tell me that they have been noticing it more over the years and that it looks worse and worse in photos. Thankfully, for most of these situations, IT IS CORRECTABLE! The typical culprit for this unsightly problem, is forward head posture.

    • What is forward head posture?
      • When the ear no longer lines up vertically with the shoulder, and is now forward from the shoulder.
    • How does it create the “hump”?
      • The first few thoracic vertebra, or “upper back” vertebrae will now protrude upwards as a result of this new hinging from the forward lean of the head.


    • Other than assessing posture, what else needs to be done?
      • X-rays may need to be taken to check for irreversible damage like arthritis or to check for vertebral misalignment.


    • How do you treat this?
      • Typically, adjustments of the neck and upper back joints and some theraputic modalities to muscles or tissues. Corrective exercises are performed at home and at work.


    • What activities create this problem?
      • Prolonged cell phone use, computer work, reading, studying, improper pillow, improper sleeping habits.

    Every inch that your ear moves forward from your shoulder, essentially DOUBLES the weight of what it normally weighs! This can lead to neck pain, headaches, migraines, tension in the upper back, numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, improper breathing, arthritis, thinning discs, and of course the dreaded “hump at the top of my back”.


    If you found this information valuable, please share it!

    Yours in optimal health and wellness,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Low Back Pain While Sitting? Try This!
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    Woman sitting back pain

    Low Back Pain While Sitting? Try This!


    • Have you ever had low back pain while sitting in your car, the office, or at home? If so, it could be due to the lack of support for your normal lumbar curvature (lumbar lordosis).
    • Having too much, or too little curve in your lower back can cause pain and problems.
    • When seated, without proper posture, the low back tends to slouch and flex (bend forward) putting abnormal strain on the joints, ligaments, and muscles of the lower back.
    • For most people who work at a desk, this often happens, no matter how great of posture you have, your back will get fatigued after hours of being seated.
    • Another common place this occurs is at home on the couch or in a chair which often times offers little to no support for the back.

    The Solution:

    • A lumbar support that is firm enough to cradle your back and keep it in a more neutral position.
    • In a quick fix, or a budget situation, used a rolled up towel and place it in the small of your lower back.
    • For a more permanent and lasting solution, purchase a lumbar support to affix to your chairs or car seat.

    • Lumbar supports are effective in combination with chiropractic care for the treatment and solution of low back pain and discomfort.
    • To broaden and fine tune your desk posture, look back to this post → “Reduce Neck And Back Pain At Your Desk”


    As always, feel free to share this post if you found it helpful and reach out to me if you have questions or would like to come in for an examination

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

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  • Nutritional/Dietary Recommendations
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    Nutritional/Dietary Recommendations


    • Sometimes, nutritional and dietary recommendations need to be made for optimal healing to occur.
    • This may include:
      • Reducing allergens in the diet
      • Modifying food choices
      • Implementing vitamins and supplementation
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  • Work and Sports Physicals St. Charles
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    Work and Sports Physicals St. Charles


    • Easy way to obtain a physical examination for work or sports purposes.
    • Physicals are completed usually within 15 minutes.
    • More convenient than primary care or urgent care.
    • Very reasonable pricing.
    • College, high school, and club sports physicals all accepted.
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  • Custom Orthotics
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    Custom Orthotics


    • Custom orthotics are shoe inserts that are built to create optimal support throughout your entire foot.
    • We start by using our state of the art foot scanner to create a 3D image of the foot.
    • Then we take the scan and identify how much of each of the 3 arches has been lost.
    • We then select the appropriate orthotic for the shoe it will be in and have it built to create a custom fit.
    • Orthotics are great for athletes, people who work on their feet all day, and people who have foot/ankle/knee/hip pain.
    • Click here for more information
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  • Mechanical Decompression
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    Mechanical Decompression


    • Mechanical decompression is a therapy that essentially stretches the spine along its long axis.
    • Traction of the spine reduces pressure on the spinal discs and the spinal joints.
    • Herniated discs and other disc injuries would be ideal for this type of treatment.
    • It is provided by using a special table that stretches you lengthwise.
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