
  • Cox Flexion/Distraction
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    Cox Flexion Distraction


    • Cox Flexion Distraction is a chiropractic technique that utilizes a special table to provide adjustments.
    • Cox Flexion Distraction can be described as having more of a decompressive effect when performed.
    • This technique is great for patients who have the following conditions:
      • Disc herniations
      • Disc bulges
      • Disc degeneration
      • Sciatica
      • Scoliosis
    • Cox Flexion Distraction is considered more of a low-force adjusting technique for some who cannot tolerate or are not candidates for a traditional chiropractic adjustment.
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  • Active Release Technique
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    Active Release Technique (A.R.T.)


    • Active release Technique is used to treat problems that involve the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.
    • It is a movement based therapy that utilizes the doctors hands to perform the treatment.
    • The goal of ART is to re-establish normal motion between muscles, ligaments, nerves, and fascia, while reducing fibrous adhesions, like scar tissue.
    • Scar tissue develops when an area of the body is injured and re-heals. Normally this is a good thing although in chronic repetitive stress situations this can become dense and troublesome.
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  • Extremity Adjustments
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    Extremity Adjustments


    • Extremity adjustments refer to any adjustment that is performed outside of the spine.
    • Common examples include:
      • Shoulders
      • Knees
      • Jaws (TMJ)
      • Elbows
      • Wrists
      • Fingers
      • Ribs
      • Hips
      • Ankles
      • Feet
    • Adjusting these parts of the body happens similarly as in the spine, except usually with a different force or direction.
    • All of these areas of the body have articulating joints and can be mobilized just like the spine.
    • You may hear the same kind of “pop” noise that happens with a traditional spinal chiropractic adjustment.


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  • Pediatric/Child Adjustments
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    Pediatric/Child Adjustments

    • Babies and children area often overlooked as needing chiropractic care. The truth is that they are usually the ones who need it the most! If problems in the spine start as the child develops, it is now a priority to correct it early, before it causes future problems and eventually irreversible damage.
    • Kids don’t often complain of aches/and pains like we do as adults because they aren’t as in turn to their body signals and don’t have the ability to communicate them as well.
    • Babies with colic, feeding issues, reflux, torticollis, constipation, and poor sleeping should be checked by a chiropractor.
    • As your kid develops and gets older, recurring ear infections, poor posture, leg length differences, and curvatures in the spine are signals that could require chiropractic intervention.
    • The biggest concern that most parents have with adjusting their little ones is that they will be adjusted the same way as an adult. This is false.
    • For babies, usually the amount of force needed to adjust the spine is a pinky fingertip pressure that would be as comfortable as pressing on the back of your eyelid.
    • As the child continues to grow, more and more pressure will need to be utilized, until they are into the teen years and can generally tolerate a traditional chiropractic adjustment.
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  • Pregnancy Care
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    Pregnancy Care


    • Pregnant women often times have less options for pain relief as there are risks to the baby if certain medications are taken.
    • Some women like the idea of treating their pregnancy related symptoms naturally using chiropractic care.
    • Pregnant women often present with lower back pain due to the forces placed on the spine as baby grows. This creates problems with sleeping, walking, and others.
    • Adjustments have been proven to be effective in relieving lower back pain aggravated by pregnancy.
    • Other common complaints are, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, reflux, and ligament pain which all have positive outcomes with chiropractic treatment.
    • Chiropractic for pregnant women is very safe and all precautions are taken before an adjustment is provided. In fact, some studies have shown that regular chiropractic adjustments have lead to decreased labor times.
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  • Neck And Back Adjustments
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    Neck And Back Adjustments


    • Chiropractic was created based off of adjusting the spine. The neck and back pain tend to be the most often treated symptoms in many chiropractic offices.
    • There are 33 vertebrae in the human spinal column. 24 of them are articulating and have separations by intervertebral discs.
    • The other 9 are fused in adults, 5 in the sacrum and 4 in the coccyx. There are 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae.
    • The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment in the spine is to mobilize and re-align spinal segments, restoring the bio-mechanical functionality. This is accomplished by using a hands on thrust for most adults. Sometimes a lower force adjustment is preferred or recommended to achieve a similar result.
    • Neck and back adjustments are often associated with a “popping” noise which is normal. This sound is called a “cavitation” and is the result of a quick change in pressure in the spinal joints that have now moved.
    • Neck and back adjustments performed by a licensed doctor of chiropractic have a high success rate when treating neck or back pain. These adjustments have been shown to be very safe as well, even for pregnant women and children.
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  • What Happens When You Crack Your Own Spine?
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    Cracking your own spine


    What Happens When You Crack Your Own Spine?


    You’ve seen people do it, maybe you even do it yourself. Cracking your own spine. Grandmothers everywhere will tell you that it gives you arthritis. Some of you are what we would call, “addicted to crack”. Bending yourself over the back of a chair or twisting your own neck. All of these may help you feel better, but ask the majority of people who do this and they will tell you that it feels like it needs to “pop” again within a short period of time. So what actually happens when you crack your own spine?

    This is likely the case because the joints that are actually making the popping noise are the ones above and below the main restriction, which are what we call “hyper” mobile joints. They are actually moving too much in order to compensate for the restricted joint in between. It may feel good temporarily but will usually not last long.

    You see, there are 24 moving vertebrae in your spine (7 neck, 12 mid back, 5 low back). You can consider a group of 2 or more of these vertebrae to be a “motion segment”. Cracking your own spine helps the “motion segment” move a bit more, but the original restriction likely will remain, causing relapse of symptoms and allowing future problems to occur.

    The other reason for this short term relief is that we are not able to impart the right forces at the right angles on ourselves to fully clear the joints of the restriction, you might get a pop releasing some of the gas in the joint but it did not fully move.
    Cracking your own spine

    Are there any potential risks involved with cracking your own spine?


    Yes there are. Let’s start with the obvious being that chiropractors have studied and practiced for years the art, science, and philosophy of the spinal adjustment and is at the heart of what most of us do, making us the experts in this field. Knowing when, how, where, and why to adjust is extremely important.

    Given years and years of cracking your own spine, there is a potential to create ligamentous instability which would allow for your spine to be susceptible to a multitude of more serious injuries and permanent damage.

    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell

    Click Here For Our New Patient Special

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  • Exercises And Stretches For Your Spine And Body
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    Basic neck tension stretch

    Stretch for levator scapulae tightness


    Brugger’s posture for upper/mid back tension and correcting slumped posture


    Cat/camel exercise for stretch and mobility of lower back

    Bird/dog for cross body core stability and strength

    Dead bug for low back stability and core strength


    Counter top shoulder stretch


    Stretch for tightness and pain on the outside of the elbow (tennis elbow)

    Stretch for tightness and pain on the inside of the elbow (golfer’s elbow)


    Stretch for tight hip flexors

    Stretch for tight hip joints

    Clam exercise for glute and hip stabilization/strength

    Glute bridge for glute strength and lower back stability

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  • Best Water Filter For Your Home
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    Features and Benefits of Berkey® Purification Systems

    berkey is healthy


    Why are the Berkey® systems the benchmark in gravity fed water purification? It’s simple- they remove viruses, harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, unhealthy contaminants and impurities to below detectable levels, while leaving in most of the essential minerals your body needs. The result is the most healthful, delicious water available.

    berkey is powerful


    Berkey® systems can easily purify ordinary tap water, yet are powerful enough to efficiently purify raw, untreated water from sources such as remote lakes and streams. In the event of natural disasters and emergencies when treated water may not be available, your Berkey® system is essential.

    berkey is economical


    Berkey® systems are the most economical water purification system you can own. The long life of the Berkey®Purification elements allows you to enjoy purified water for about two cents per gallon. Compare that to the cost of bottled water!

    berkey is convenient


    Berkey® systems are easy to assemble and operate without tools, electricity, water pressure or plumbing. When traveling, or if space is limited, the top and bottom chambers of most of our systems nest within each other for easy transport.

    berkey is proven


    Our independent lab results speak for themselves. Click here to view how the test results for our Black Berkey® purification elements exceed expectations for gravity purification.

    Take a step towards a healthier lifestyle! Choose Berkey for purified, great tasting water. #cleanliving #hydrate #waterfilter #purewater #drinkmorewater



    Berkey® Systems Secret



    The first line of defense is that Berkey® purification elements are composed of a proprietary formulation of more than six different media types, all constructed into a very compact matrix containing millions of microscopic pores. These pores are so small that they produce what we refer to as a “Tortuous Path” that pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, VOC’s, detergents, cloudiness, silt, sediment and sedimentary minerals, foul tastes and odors must travel through. These paths are so small that these pollutants physically cannot pass through them and become trapped, eliminating them from your drinking water. This process is known as microfiltration.


    Secondly, our media formulation uses unique adsorption and absorption properties. Adsorption works to create an ionic barrier similar to surface tension. This barrier is perfectly suited to the micro-porous water filter because it effectively allows the tiny pores to block water contaminants that are smaller than the pore size itself. This blocking process is how the Berkey® water filter is able to remove submicron viruses that other brands of water filters cannot, without the use of obnoxious chemicals like iodine or chlorine. Next, the heavy metals ions (mineral molecules) such as cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, aluminum, and other dangerous heavy metals are extracted from the water through an Ion exchange process where they are attracted to and transformed by electrically bonding to the media.


    Finally, Berkey® systems are so effective at removing contaminants from water because of the extremely long “contact period”. Other filtration systems rely on water pressure that forces water molecules through the elements at 60-90 PSI. These water molecules come into contact with the filter media for a mere fraction of a second. By comparison, water molecules passing through the structure of the Black Berkey®elements are drawn gently by gravity and stay in contact with the media for a long period of time. This allows the filter media to be more efficient in capturing contaminants. This advanced technology was developed, refined, and proven through years of diligent, investigative research and testing performed by water purification specialists, researchers, and engineers. The flow rate or time of exposure through the Black Berkey® purification elements has been calculated to yield the greatest volume of removal of potential contaminants in your water, no matter what the source.

    Click Here for More Details




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  • CBD Oil
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    CBD Oil


    By now, you probably know someone that is using CBD oil or have at least heard something about it, whether it be positive or negative.




    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring constituent of industrial hemp (cannabis sativa) plants. It is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis.

    CBD can be derived from hemp and marijuana.

    Both hemp and marijuana are from the same genus and species (cannabis sativa). The characteristic of having low THC is the single difference that most rely on to distinguish industrial hemp from marijuana. CBD taken from hemp and marijuana is the exact same compound.




    Most people have heard of a cannabinoid called THC, which is the ingredient in cannabis that gets users high. Unlike THC, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and does not cause a high.




    The top 3 are: PAIN, ANXIETY, SLEEP




    Endocannabinoid receptors are found throughout the brain and body that respond to endogenous cannabinoids produced naturally in our bodies. It’s been shown that ECS plays a role in some way or another, in many different disease states.

    Two of the primary receptors in the ECS are CB1 and CB2, CBD stimulates activity at both of the receptors but does not actually bind to them like THC does with the CB1 receptor. Since these receptors are found throughout the brain and body, CBD is able to modulate various processes in our internal system.

    According to research, CBD is also able to interact with a number of different receptors. For example the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor which plays a role anxiety, sleep, appetite, pain, and nausea is directly activated by CBD.

    CBD also interacts with TRPV1 receptors that play a role in inflammation, pain perception, and regulating body temperature. This compound has anti-cancer effects that come from the CBD’s ability to activate PPARs (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors), when activated has been shown to induce tumor regression.




    NO. You can think of CBD oils similarly to the foods we buy from the grocery store. Some are organic, some are without preservatives, flavorings, and other additives/chemicals. Some are produced using a variety of different methods.

    An organic, CO2 extracted, cold pressed, full spectrum oil would be my recommendation of the best qualities to search for.




    I’m a firm believer in not recommending anything to my patients, friends, and family before trying it myself.

    I’ve had nothing but positive effects thus far. On average, I take about 2-3 doses per week. Usually Sunday, Wednesday and sometimes one other day later in the week. I take them near bed time, 7-10 drops underneath my tongue.

    I notice a wonderful relaxed feeling that allows me to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for most of the night. Upon awakening I feel fresh, no brain fog, and clear (unlike with melatonin). My normal aches and pains like in my upper and lower back (yes chiropractors feel those too) from adjusting patients all week is dramatically lessened, and I feel those effects last at least one day after.

    This is not a cure all, and will not fix major body problems, but in my opinion, is a great adjunct to a wellness lifestyle that is affordable and easy to maintain for most.

    We do have the product available for purchase in the office for those who are searching for some to own.

    Or you can buy it here and have it shipped to your doorstep

    CBD Oil ←Click here to shop


    Yours in optimal health,

    Dr. Glenn Ezell


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