
  • Chiropractic
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    Chiropractor Clinic in St. Charles, MO

    Chiropractic care focuses on correcting the problem rather than covering up the symptoms. Learn more about the benefits of chiropractic!

    What is chiropractic?

    According to the ACA (American Chiropractic Association), Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.

    Doctor of chiropractic

    Also referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians, doctors of chiropractic practice a hands on, drugless approach to health care which includes examination, diagnosis and treatment. The doctor of chiropractic is a portal of entry physician, which means that you do not need a referral in order to be seen.

    What is an adjustment?

    An adjustment is a controlled force that is applied into an area of a joint that has become ā€œsubluxatedā€ or misaligned. These ā€œsubluxationsā€ or misalignments can result from tissue injury. The adjustment is most commonly delivered using the hands or in some cases by way of an instrument.

    What is the popping noise?

    The popping noise is often associated with a traditional chiropractic adjustment, like we use here in the office. It is the release of gasses inside of the joint capsule following quick mobilization of the joint. The audible “pop” or “crack” is common, but is not necessary in delivering an effective adjustment.

    Do adjustments hurt?

    Often times, chiropractic adjustments give fast relief of pain symptoms. The doctor is trained specifically in giving your body only what it needs to heal, therefore not creating more pain and problems. Some slight soreness can occur following your first ever adjustment because it is likely that your joints have never moved like that before. This is very similar to working out or exercising if not done in a while and feeling sore the next day.

    Why do babies and children need chiropractic care?

    The first 5 years of life will determine what the spine will be like for a lifetime. Subluxations of the spine typically start at the birthing process. The average child falls 1500 times in the first 2 years of life. Children will rarely complain of pain signals, which is why it is important to have them checked to prevent future issues from arising.

    Get more advice and information on chiropractic, as well as treatment for pain and discomfort. Call Ezell Chiropractic at 636-486-7044 to schedule an appointment today.

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  • Chiropractic Treatments
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    Get the pain relief you’ve been looking for!

    Weā€™re in the business of helping you get better and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With as many doctors and treatment options that are available today, it is easy for one to get overwhelmed. Dr. Glenn Ezell will provide you with all of the information that you need in order to make your best healthcare decisions. We accept traditional Medicare and Medicaid.

    Get relief from pain and discomfort. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Glenn Ezell by calling 636-486-7044 today.

    Learn more about the Chiropractic Treatments that we offer below:

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  • St. Charles Chiropractor
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    • St. Charles Chiropractor Ezell Chiropractic

    If you are in pain,Ā schedule an appointment with St. Charles Chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Ezell Today!

    Call Ezell Chiropractic now!Ā 636-486-7044Ā Our new patient promotion is only $40. Some same day appointments are available.

    Request Appointment

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  • Which protein supplement (and amount) is right for you?
    Which protein supplement (and amount) is right for you?
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    All proteins are not created equally!

    If youā€™re like most people, you know that protein is something that you need to have in your diet to survive. What youā€™ve wondered is if you should take supplements and if so, which ones to take. You’ve probably also wondered how much to take. Well, today you have the opportunity to learn all about it!

    Lets start by explaining what protein is and how it works.Ā ProteinĀ is one of the three dietary macronutrients (big nutrients) that our body needs to function. The other two are fats and carbohydrates. These nutrients all work together to keep you on top of your game. In an analogy, these things work like a construction process. Proteins act like the bricks and walls while carbohydrates do the work by cementing and putting everything together and the fats are the managers who are overlooking the whole process, making sure that everything is running smoothly.

    Proteins provide the body with the building blocks to make amino acids which are used for building new muscle tissue. Muscles simply would not exist without it.

    Benefits of protein include:

    1. Muscle growth
    2. Better recovery (repair)
    3. Optimal immune response
    4. Healthy appetite

    The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is currently at an average of 50g per day. Most would say that this is surprisingly low, though Ā you have to consider that this is based on the average American. This person is mostly sedentary.

    “HOW MUCH DO I NEED”? Great question. If you are sedentary to mildly active and trying to lose body fat for example, I would recommend 1-1.5g per kg of body weight daily. 1kg equals about 2.2lbs. In a 150lb person, the equation looks like this 150/2.2=68, 68Ɨ1.5=102g. So a person who weighs 150lbs would need about 68-102 grams of protein daily to fit their needs.

    If you are a seasoned athlete, someone who is trying to bulk up, get stronger or just really change your body composition, you should shoot for 2g per kg of body weight. For our 150lb person here, he should consume about 136g protein daily.

    Now lets say you are overweight, these recommendations will change (overweight being 20% over body fat percentage in males and 30% over body fat percentage in females). Just take as much protein as your goal weight.

    ā€œWHAT KIND OF PROTEIN DO I NEEDā€? Another great question.Ā Protein supplements are often made from different sources have different ingredients and do different things.

    Whey proteinĀ is one of the most popular of protein supplements available and also one of the best.

    There are three main types of whey;Ā concentrate, isolate, and hydrolyzed.Ā ConcentrateĀ simply means that there are more additives and a lesser amount of raw protein.Ā Isolatemeans that the protein has been isolated and filtered for a more pure product.Ā HydrolyzedĀ protein is made to be absorbed faster.

    CaseinĀ is a slow digesting protein source and is often taken by individuals before bed.

    Egg proteinĀ is available to people who enjoy a lactose-free source of protein.

    Soy proteinĀ is a vegetarian protein source.

    Protein is vital for living optimally. Proteins from your raw diet should be taken into consideration and are not to be replaced by supplements.

    Yours in health,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • Top Ten Reasons I Hear About Why People Donā€™t Go To the Chiropractor
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    1. I donā€™t have enough money (Budgeting is key-after all, if your lose your health, how will you make money?)
    2. I donā€™t believe in it (Itā€™s a science, not a religion)
    3. Iā€™m not in pain (You donā€™t have to be in pain for there to be a problem-Ā PREVENTION)
    4. I donā€™t want to go forever (Ultimately it isĀ YOUĀ that makes your healthcare decisions- right?)
    5. You can break my neck (Itā€™s VERY hard to break a neck- this isnā€™t your typical Hollywood neck twist)
    6. It will hurt (95% of the time my patients feelĀ BETTERĀ even after their first adjustment)
    7. Iā€™m afraid of the ā€œcrackā€ (Itā€™s normal for this to happen when the joints are freed of restriction- chiropractors can also treat without having the traditional ā€œcrackā€)
    8. Chiropractors arenā€™t real doctors (Dentists focus on the mouth, optometrists focus on the eyes, MDs focus on pathology-disease, pharmacists focus on medication, Ā chiropractors focus on the spine and the nervous system. Every doctor has a specialty. Iā€™m alive and real)
    9. Adjustments cause arthritis (Adjustments actually prevent arthritis from developing or getting worse)
    10. Too young/old (Iā€™ll explain the ends of the spectrum. Think about the birthing process, can you imagine being pulled out by your head? It will most definitely cause stress to the neck. The geriatric population generally have a variety of different problems that would benefit from chiropractic care. It is also much safer than surgery and has less side effects than medicine)
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  • 10 Great (random) Nutrition Facts
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    1. Not everything that says itā€™s ā€œorganicā€ is actually organic.

    2. ā€œNaturalā€ does not necessarily make it good for you, nor does it have to be true to be placed on a label.

    3. If you canā€™t pronounce something on the ingredients list, you shouldn’t be eating it.

    4. Sugar-free usually means that it now has sugar alcohols which in some cases are worse than sugar in the first place.

    5. Fat-free should have nothing to do with your diet. It has no effect on weight loss.

    6. The best oil out there to cook with is coconut oil. Olive oil is good for non-cooking purposes, but the bonds break down when heated and make it less healthy.

    7. High fructose corn syrup is aiding in the obesity epidemic in America.

    8. The longer you cook vegetables, the more nutritional content is lost.

    9. One of the best ā€œsuper foodsā€ is Kale.

    10. Eating less meals wonā€™t always help with weight loss (and itā€™s also unhealthy), a healthier alternative would be to eat smaller portions at more times throughout the day.

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